Donate here: TGIFriday Game Nite Fundraiser

We will sum up GAME NITE this way…
Patricia “Thank you very much for my Amazon and Target gift card. I had a wonderful time at game night and extremely thankful for the opportunity to participate in so much fun. It’s a blessing to be around so many unique and special people making a positive difference in the world. I had a good time. Glad I was able to support and win. I like winning”
Lionel “It was really good and kept your attention.”
Tonia “Thank you, it was fun!”
Roe “I had a ball.”
Gretchen “I had so much fun last night.”
Megan “OMG Awesome, I feel like a winner.”
Peighton “I really enjoyed myself”
Yasmin “Wow! Thanks so much. You guys gave out some awesome prizes. Happy to support ALLOVEME.”
Jevita “I had a fantastic time!!! Looking forward to the next time! Thank you for my prizes.”
Emily “Thank you. I am so happy your event was so successful. Hope to be able to participate in the future.”
Martin “Who was the host, he was good!”
Malcolm “I think the host did a good job, he was funny.”
Lenell “Thank you so much for the invite. It was much needed fun. My grandsons are so intrusive, they were alllll in my screen space 🤦🏽♀️🤣 but the eldest one (11) had a ball helping me navigate Kahoot… I’ll be winner ready next time for sure! 😊 Please include me whenever you have a fundraiser or email me when you need items that may help someone. “
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED AND DONATED. We exceeded our fundraising goal as well as our FUN goal!
Fundraiser Donation: $35 (includes two giveaway tickets). Additional Giveaway Tickets can be purchased: 5 for $10, 15 for $25. You must register for the event in advance at:
You will be then be ENTERED TO WIN! GAME RULES: You must be present to win. All present registered guests will be eligible to win in all games. You will need a cell phone for some games. We suggest using a separate device for Zoom. Some games will require you to Raise Your Hand, click on REACTIONS, click RAISE HAND.
WELCOME OUR GAME NITE HOST, JUAN “BIG POPPA” BAEZ!! Juan is a Theater Director at a local community college and will be joining the fun on Game Nite bringing energy, laughs and even more fun to our event. Juan has many years of experience on the stage in a variety of roles and is sure to share his unique drama and comedy skills with us. Juan has supported ALLOVEME since its inception. THANK YOU! Welcome Juan! We look forward to a fun-filled nite benefiting ALLOVEME!
For questions or more information, contact
See you on Game Nite!
HINT # 5 First person to log on to ZOOM for GAME NITE will win! We will start ZOOM at 6:45.
HINT #4 RAISE YOUR HAND! Some games will require you to RAISE YOUR HAND. For most devices you will click on REACTIONS, then RAISE HAND. This will allow us to see WHO WAS FIRST!!! GAMES: TREASURE HUNT, PICTIONARY
HINT #3 BRUSH UP ON BLACK HISTORY AND BLACK MUSIC! Historically, the majority of women who participate in our chats/workshops are of African descent, therefore, we have themed some of our games around black history and music. We welcome all to attend and hope you engage by brushing up on popular black history and music, old and new. You may find SOME answers to trivia questions here…Black History Trivia Questions & Answers Quiz – Meebily
We also welcome any suggestions for inclusion of other cultural information. Your participation is valued and please feel welcomed to contact us. GAME: KAHOOT
HINT #2 Of course, you are part of the ALLOVEME family because of someone you know. Well, we’ve got a game to test just how much you know about ALLOVEME. KNOW a bit of ALLOVEME history AND WIN! KNOW what we do, why we do it and other important facts at http://www.alloveme.organd get to know our BOARD MEMBERS! Our Board | Staff Group | ALLOVEME GAME: ALLOVEME TRIVIA
HINT #1 DEVICE – see trivia questions CELL PHONE – answer trivia questions 3 of our games will require you have a cell phone. We suggest you login to ZOOM on a separate device to see the trivia questions and your cell phone will be used to answer the trivia questions. GAME: KAHOOT