VOTE CHAT PART II – 10/25/20
Part II of our chat on voting was as amazing as Part I. Thank you to Charmayne, Claudette, Gretchen, Jevita, Lafaye, Leige, Lori, Pat, Tina & Yatta for attending. It is so true that everyone has a story. We learn from each other and the information and guidance we receive from these chats is priceless.
We discussed covid, classism, health care, Christianity and slavery, gun control, gun laws and stand your ground, self-defense, charter schools and the fact that there is no unified school district in New Orleans, our purpose in protesting and the danger it brings
Basically we discussed our issues, our convictions, and how we have to come together to make a better life for ourselves and our future generations.
We found what we want in our leaders: integrity, experience, accountability, compassion, leadership and that we have to vote for those most likely to help us, that reflect our issues and respect our legacy. We have to TEACH values, fight for resources and arm ourselves for what seems to be a never ending battle.
We also received a better understanding of the electoral college.
Congrats to Tina who will receive an ALLOVEME tshirt.
Congrats to Gretchen and Yatta who received $50 Target gift cards.
Enjoy Ladies.
Let’s chat again!